2 Way Outer Frame CBE Outer Frame 2 Way image 2

CBE Outer Frame 2 Way

£4.21 (inc VAT)
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CBE 2 Way Outer Frame available in various colours. See 1 Way outer frame page for colour pictures

1 FAQ on the CBE Outer Frame 2 Way

I need to order 2 surface mounted 13 amp sockets and trims but need advice on what to order. Can someone help me please? I have tried the Technical Tom page but gave up trying to find a similar question there (far too much to wade through!) Can someone help me please? Tel. 01872 865948
If you are looking to fit a 13 amp socket such as our part 137688 you will also need a support frame 129639 and then a decorative frame to suit such as 132668. All these parts are for a single socket but if you wish to mount 2 sockets side by side then 2 way support frames are available and double frames in a selection of colours.

1 Customer Review on CBE Outer Frame 2 Way


by CB (11 Apr 2012)
5 star review(5/5)
My old one was cracked so looks far better now. Very quick service, thanks.
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