
LED strip light

£46.99 (inc VAT)
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12v LED light designed for overhead illumination of exterior/interior living spaces and work areas. Featuring the latest LED technology to offer high brightness, optimum performance and extended life. This 520mm long LED strip is contained within a fully sealed polycarbonate casing and sits within a 15mm deep low profile extruded aluminium housing.

The housing has removable plastic caps to access the fixing holes and connection is via flying leads (+ve to red, -ve to black) that exit at the end of the light. Please note that this light does not have a switch.

Suitable for use with 12v systems in motorhomes, caravans, campervans, horseboxes, 4x4s and commercial vehicles.

1 Customer Review on LED strip light

Awning Light

by Mr Anderson (27 Dec 2019)
5 star review(5/5)
Easy to fit and great light spread
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