Isabella Ultra lightweight camping table image 1 Isabella Ultra lightweight camping table image 2

Isabella Ultra lightweight camping table

£129.99 - £199.20 (inc VAT)
BRAND : Isabella
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Ultra lightweight camping table for those heading out on new adventures.

Despite its low weight of just 5.3 kg/6.4 kg, this lightweight table is both stable and functional. The aluminium frame under the table folds together easily and elegantly at the back, making the table practical to transport and store when not in use. When folded, the lightweight table measures just 6.5 cm in height.

The table top has rounded corners and is made of several layers of fibre glass. There is plenty of legroom under the table, and both the height and the tilt of the four table legs are adjustable – so uneven ground is not a problem.

Isabella Ultra lightweight camping table Features

120 X 80 CM

  • Height: 72–74 cm
  • Maximum load: 80 kg
  • Folded dimensions: 120 x 80 x 6 cm
  • Weight: 5,3 kg
  • Frame: Aluminium

140 X 90 CM

  • Height: 72–74 cm
  • Maximum load: 80 kg
  • Folded dimensions: 140 x 90 x 6 cm
  • Weight: 6,4 kg
  • Frame: Aluminium

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