Vango Stellar Grande Sleeping Bag Range image 1 Vango Stellar Grande Sleeping Bag Range image 2

Vango Stellar Grande Sleeping Bag Range

£35.99 (inc VAT)
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The Vango Stellar Grande Sleeping Bag is the ultimate companion for outdoor enthusiasts, campers, and adventure seekers who demand both comfort and performance from their camping gear. Designed for versatile use across various camping scenarios—from music festivals and family camping trips to backpacking adventures and outdoor expeditions—this sleeping bag caters to individuals who prioritise space, warmth, and reliable protection against changing environmental conditions. Its grande size makes it particularly appealing to taller individuals or those who appreciate extra room while sleeping, accommodating users up to 205cm in height and providing unprecedented freedom of movement.

Engineered with advanced technical features, the Vango Stellar Grande Sleeping Bag is perfect for three-season camping, offering exceptional thermal regulation from 9°C to 20°C with a comfortable temperature range of 4°C. The sleeping bag's innovative design incorporates Grade A Quality Fill, double-layer construction, and ThermoLock insulation to ensure consistent warmth and performance, even in damp conditions. Practical features like the auto-lock two-way zip, horizontal stitching, and a shaped hood with drawcord adjustment provide users with changeable comfort and protection, making it an ideal choice for outdoor enthusiasts who refuse to compromise on quality and functionality.

Whether you're a solo traveller, a camping enthusiast, a festival-goer, or a family camper, the Vango Stellar Grande Sleeping Bag offers the perfect blend of comfort, space, and technical performance. Its lightweight construction at just 2.3kg, compact stuffsack, and easy-care Polair® fabric make transportation and maintenance easy, ensuring that this sleeping bag is not just a piece of equipment, but a reliable partner in your outdoor adventures. Independent testing to ISO 23537-1:2020 standards guarantees that the temperature ratings are accurate, giving users peace of mind in various camping environments.

1 Customer Review on Vango Stellar Grande Sleeping Bag Range


by Anthony (28 Jan 2025)
4 star review(4/5)
Bought to replace a old one which started to tear apart after 6/7 years. It's my third bag. The quality feels better, i like the feeling of the inner fabric (kind of a mix between synthetic and tartan sleeping bag) and the extra space is good. What i don't like is they put the label in the middle of the inner part (if i go inside the sleeping bag it's at chest level) where usually it's one side or corner. Very annoying, after taking it out carefully, it let some holes in the fabric. So my new bag looked 'old' without using it. Never saw this before, don't know who came with this Idea. Also, compare to my previous bags, the case to store the bag miss an handle at the bottom to pull out the bag. Except for that, i like the item and i think its a good quality for the price.
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