Vango Stellar Junior Sleeping Bag Range image 1 Vango Stellar Junior Sleeping Bag Range image 2

Vango Stellar Junior Sleeping Bag Range

£23.99 (inc VAT)
BRAND : Vango
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The Vango Stellar Junior Sleeping Bag is the ultimate camping companion for young adventurers, designed to provide exceptional comfort and warmth during outdoor nights. Crafted by the trusted Vango brand, this sleeping bag combines innovative features like Polair® fabric, horizontal stitching, and ThermoLock Pro insulation to ensure children stay cozy and protected in various camping environments. Its thoughtful design addresses key camping needs with a junior-specific sizing that offers maximum comfort and safety for smaller bodies.

Packed with advanced technical features, the Vango Stellar Junior Sleeping Bag stands out in the children's outdoor gear market. The auto-lock two-way zip allows for easy ventilation and movement, while the Grade A quality fill and double-layer construction guarantee superior insulation. Safety is paramount, with a shaped hood that reduces heat loss and eliminates drawcords on junior models. Practical elements like the compact stuffsack, hanging loops, and washable Polair fabric make this sleeping bag not just a piece of camping equipment, but a reliable travel companion that parents can trust for their children's outdoor comfort and safety.

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