Whale Shower Head image 1

Whale Shower Head

£39.18 (inc VAT)
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Spare Whale shower head, available in white and beige

The Whale shower Head is a lightweight but strong spare for your Whale Elegance shower.

Whale shower head Features

  • Available in white and beige
  • Base has a screw thread
  • Easy installation

7 Customer Reviews on Whale Shower Head

Mr. Coward, France.

by Mr Coward (17 Aug 2013)
4 star review(4/5)
This is the second replacement (probably due to poor winter drain down on my part) in 17 years of owning the same motorhome. Easy to fit and hopefully the last.

Whale Shower Head White

by Caravaner (27 Mar 2012)
5 star review(5/5)
Good to know you can still get parts for my 1994 caravan. Delivery speed excellent


by Caravaner (18 Mar 2012)
5 star review(5/5)

Whale Shower Head

by Mrs White (31 Jan 2012)
5 star review(5/5)
Having suffered a split shower head that kept leaking I thought I would have to replace the whole tap/hose and shower head as it appeared to be 'all in one', until I saw the separate shower head on your web site, it simply unscrewed. I ordered a replacement and 2 days later it arrived and was fitted in minutes, problem solved. Absolutely no complaints.

Whale Elite Taps Etc

by happy vanners (14 Apr 2011)
5 star review(5/5)
As ever great service great product great price would not think of going anywhere else for our caravan bits and bobs.

Whale Shower Head

by Caravaner (14 Apr 2011)
5 star review(5/5)
An original replacement at a good price.

Shower Head

by Mr Knight (03 Oct 2009)
5 star review(5/5)
when l found out our shower head was cracked and leaking l came to you first to find one. As it was it is the correct one and l do thank you, there is a lot of caravans still being used that are over 15 years old.
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