Multi Rail T4/T5 image 1 Multi Rail T4/T5 image 2

Multi Rail T4/T5

£271.34 - £340.10 (inc VAT)
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Multi Rail T4/T5 -(T4/T5 Right)

R/H Drive vehicles nearside fitting.
This Reimo MultiRail is for VW T4/T5/T6 LWB Vans. This rail will attach to the right hand side/driver side of a UK VW Transporter.

Probably the most versatile VW T4/T5/T6 awning rail on the market. The Reimo MultiRail is multi-purpose. It provides a gutter for your van to disperse rainwater easily.

You can also fit a canopy or awning to the gutter using a pole and clamps and there is even a second channel for fitting your awning directly if it has a kador strip. The kador strip accepts 6mm.

Strong and light this awning rail is made from anodized aluminium and is nicely finished in black. The complementary end profiles/spoliers give it a professional look.

Product Details
Length: 3.0m
Delivery Contents: 1 x Reimo LWB anodized Aluminium Multirail, 2 x End Profiles, 1 x Sikaflex 221 Black Bonding Agent and Self-Tapping Stainless Steel Screws

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