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Bucket and Spout 5L Cream

£0.67  Was 2.99(Save £2.32)
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Bucket and Spout 5L, available in blue, cream,red and silver.

Bucket and Spout 5L, available in cream,black and silver.

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Bucket and Spout 5L Cream
Only  0.67
Save £2.32!

3 Customer Reviews on Bucket and Spout 5L

Great Buckets

by David Roberts (05 Oct 2022)
5 star review(5/5)
Great little buckets, sturdy handle and well made buckets that are easy to clean.

Great Product

by Gin (23 Jul 2013)
5 star review(5/5)
Brilliant product, ideal size and great price

Bucket With Spout

by Mr Samouelle (07 Jun 2013)
4 star review(4/5)
Bright colours with a sturdy look for an inexpensive small bucket. They promise to last longer than the supermarket cheapies.
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