Whale Elegance Tap/Shower Knob image 1

Whale Elegance Tap/Shower Knob

£20.38 (inc VAT)
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Replacement Parts for Whale Elegance Single/Mixer Taps. Available in 2 colours.

Replacement control knobs for Whale Elegance Single/Mixer Taps and showers. Available in 2 colours, beige or white.
The pack comprises of knob and drive spindle.
Price for one pair.

2 FAQs on the Whale

Hi Tom, we have a 98 Bailey Ranger with Whale mixer come sink/ shower unit. Looking to change hole tap unit as over tighten screws and cracked mounting plate. This trying to determine as to how to remove tap unit after cold tap knob sheared. Or is there more part that can be bought to affect a repair.
You will need access to the underside of the tap to hold the back nut whilst you unscrew the hexagon that you find underneath the tap knob.
The knob and shaft are available as a spare, our ref 130546.
Hello I have Whale elegance taps and one of them just rotates as my son over tightened it. Will this fix it or do I need something else i.e. is there a switch underneath it that has stripped perhaps? https://www.leisureshopdirect.com/water/caravan-taps/whale-accessories/whale-elegance-tap-shower-knob Regards Simon
Yes, the spindle of the tap will have broken and the replacement knob will be the part you need to repair. It is probable that partial dismantling of the tap will be required to remove the broken spindle.

10 Customer Reviews on Whale Elegance Tap/Shower Knob

Exact Replacement

by Mr Weeks (04 Sep 2020)
5 star review(5/5)
The taps were an exact replacement which were very easy to install

Easy Fix

by Mr Hilton (02 Aug 2018)
4 star review(4/5)
These replacement tap stems are fairly easy to replace once removal of the old one has been figured out. It’s a pity that the stems seem to be a weak point in these taps..........but maybe that protects the tap?

Whale Elegance Tap Knobs

by Madhound (24 Mar 2012)
5 star review(5/5)
Bought as spares as taps knobs break regular through constant use. Orded on the tuesday arrived thursday. Just like previous order 2 days and completed. Absolutely brilliant service.

Fantastic Replacement

by Caravaner (10 Jan 2011)
5 star review(5/5)
Very cheap replacement.

Whale Taps

by archnz (04 Jan 2011)
5 star review(5/5)
was concerned the parts were not going to be suitable, but the replacement worked perfectly & now the taps are as good as new.

Replacement Whale Tap Knobs

by Mr Foley (18 Nov 2010)
5 star review(5/5)
Arrived within 48 hours of ordering, simple to fit. Once again, excellent service.


by Mr Beckett (15 Nov 2010)
5 star review(5/5)
Delivery excellent. Can't believe price been paying far more for the same thing elsewhere. So easy to fit now got working taps again!!!!!!.

Whale Elegance Tap Knob

by Ginger (05 Nov 2010)
5 star review(5/5)
At this price it can only be excellent , arrived on time and did the job

Whale Tap Upgrade Kit

by JMcG (20 May 2010)
5 star review(5/5)
Not a lot to say really, other than quality excellent and they are very easy to fit.
Very fast delivery too.

Replacement Parts For Whale Elegance Single/Mixer Taps.

by Monte (20 Mar 2010)
5 star review(5/5)
The product was as described and so was an exact replacement for my broken Whale taps. They were ordered Tuesday evening and arrived Thursday morning - excellent service. And all at a good price.
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